Why go to Prague? There is only one variety show, that can wake the flame in your heart. An exotically charged night with endless creativity and possibilities. Individual experience enlightening masses.
The infamous creator of Prague Burlesque, Sonny Vargas, claims to be back with a complete new programme called Supesonic Women. Overwhelming costumes, fantastic music and incredible light designs will make your experience unforgettable.
Coca Valente
Lady Mousellyca
Miss Cool Cat
Hayley the Strange
Big stage, super-size props, beautiful costumes and the fantastic atmosphere of a 1920’s theater. Every Friday Night!
Buy ticket at GoOut ROYAL – Theatre, Cinema, CaféDo you want to spice up your event with one of our performers or even want to invite our complete crew to deliver your guests the time of their lives? Don't hesitate to contact us.
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